Friday, November 29, 2019

How peer-to-peer loan boost credit scores?

Peer-to-peer (P2P) loan system is successful alternate financing across which has already gained roots and is a very attractive investment option for investors. P2P loans work differently than getting a traditional bank loan. While P2P allows borrowers to check rate without affecting creditsscore, a user’s request may be turned down if the score is below 630. These loans are the most common forms of personal loans.
People opt for P2P loans as a way to pay down debt more quickly at lower interest rates.  P2P loans are also referred to as person-to-person lending and social lending, and companies that offer P2P loans are called P2P lenders or marketplace lenders. In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has already acknowledged this innovation and framed regulations for the sector to avoid any mishaps. It is offered to those who are at least 18-years of age, hold a verifiable bank account and a Social Security Number.

What are P2P loans?

This financial innovation directly connects verified borrowers seeking unsecured personal loans with P2P lenders. Verified borrowers are listed on the P2P lending platform and investors can see the details about the borrowers before lending money to them. Once the application is submitted, the investor may offer the user a variety of loan offers. Selecting any one of the offers requires the user to submit a hard credit check which impacts the credit score. Once approved the funding happens directly in the account within 14 working days.

How P2P loans boost creditsscore? 

Soft pull: The initial P2P loan process extracts a soft pull which does not impact the credit score at all. So, if the loan gets rejected, the inquiry will still not impact your scores. However, if the loan gets approved and funded, the inquiry reported is reflected as a hard inquiry.
Predictable payment: P2P loans are reported as ‘instalment debt’ for which there is a fixed repayment period. The user is mentally prepared to pay the set amount of money that is due every month lessening the chances of missing payments and damaging the scores. This makes the loan predictable for the lender as well as the borrower.
Better cash flow: Those opting for P2P loans get it on lower rates which allow free flow of cash. This allows the user to have more financial flexibility and he continues to pay his debts and overall obligations with responsibility. This is good for a healthy score.

A P2P loan is a powerful tool that ensures and motivates the user to pay off his debts quickly once and for all. And that does wonders for his creditsscore.

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